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JEFFREY ARCHER - A Quiver Full of Arrows

Title: A Quiver Full of Arrows
Description: Pan, 2013. Paperback. Pp: 268. From London to China, and New York to Nigeria, Jeffrey Archer takes the reader on a tour of ancient heirlooms and modern romance, of cutthroat business and kindly strangers, of lives lived in the realms of power and lives freed from the gloom of oppression. Fortunes are made and squandered, honor betrayed and redeemed, and love lost and rediscovered.nEmbracing the passions that drive men and women to love and to hate, the short stories in A Quiver Full of Arrows will captivate the hearts and souls of readers of everywhere. ISBN: 9781509807291. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9781509807291

Price: EUR 6.95 = appr. US$ 7.55 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1846819

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