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BARBARA BAERT, ANN-SOPHIE LEHMANN - New perspectives in iconology. Visual studies and anthropology

Title: New perspectives in iconology. Visual studies and anthropology
Description: ASP. Paperback. New Perspectives in Iconology is the first book in the new series Iconologies, founded by the Iconology Research Group ( this book the authors investigate how iconology as a field and method, which originated within art history, relates to recent developments in the Humanities such as Anthropology and Visual Studies. The main questions are: How has iconology evolved in the past decennia, could it incorporate Anthropology and Visual Studies towards a new science of images? How have new disciplines profited from iconology and how can they in turn inspire and/or reinvent iconology? These questions are addressed within a wide historical and geographical scope, as we regard the tracing of pictorial meaning throughout time and space an essential characteristic of iconology.nnThe selected specialists of this volume all have a specific involvement with the new tendencies in iconology today. The authors share their lectures, ideas, methods, old and current research for one common goal: the further study and exploration of the making, the meaning and the migration of images in art history. ISBN: 9789054879756. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789054879756

Price: EUR 20.00 = appr. US$ 21.74 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1852754

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