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Title: Albany
Description:, 2016. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 240. The inspiration for this book emanated from a conversation the authors had with HH Prince Andreas of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, who had traveled to The Hague to be at the official presentation of his memoirs, I Did It My Way. The prince, whose biography he wrote with the assistance of Arturo E. Beéche, suggested that perhaps a book on all the descendants of the Duke of Albany, his great-grandfather, would be of interest to royalty enthusiasts and book collectors. The fateful meeting took place during the Third Royal Gatherings Conference, a yearly event hosted by Eurohistory and Hoogstraten English Bookstore, in November 2015. The previous year, Mr. Golden had authored a similar book on the descendants of the Duke of Connaught. In 2013, Mr. Beéche had authored The Coburgs of Europe, a book that Prince Andreas considers to be the "gold standard" on his family's history. Hence, to the prince it seemed like a logical suggestion that both authors would cooperate in the writing of the present volume. Both Mr. Golden and Mr. Beéche are deeply thankful to Prince Andreas for encouraging, not only the subject of this book, but also their joint effort. The authors hope that in years to come, they will be able to cooperate in further publications on various royal topics. The images used in this book come from the private collection of Mr. Robert Golden, as well as that of Mr. Arturo E. Beéche. A considerable number of images came from the vast Eurohistory Royal Photo Archive, founded by Mr. Arturo E. Beéche in 1997. Some images were kindly donated by several descendants of Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone. A few were donated by HH Prince Andreas of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, whose considerable collection was curated by Mr. Arturo E. Beéche. The Swedish Royal Palace in Stockholm must be thanked as well for providing images of the current King and his family. ISBN: 9781944207052. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9781944207052

Price: EUR 35.00 = appr. US$ 38.04 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1925721

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