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DORE ASHTON - A Fable of Modern Art

Title: A Fable of Modern Art
Description: University of California Press, 1991. Paperback. Pp: 128. Dore Ashton's masterly analysis of modern art grows out of a consideration of Balzac's brilliant and little known 'philosophic' story The Unknown Masterpiece in which the concerns of C�zanne, Picasso, and the abstract expressionists are strikingly prefigured. Balzac's fable is discussed not only within the context from which it emerged-early nineteenth-century romanticism-but also in its embodiment of various attitudes towards art. Ashton illuminates a web of associations linking Balzac to C�zanne, Rilke, Schoenberg, Kandinsky and Picasso as they struggle with the yearning to express the inexpressible, to make concrete the abstract. As Professor Ashton develops the conjectures of her book she reveals the interrelations of literature, music, and art and the basic problems which engage or beset the contemporary artist and those who seek to understand and appreciate contemporary art. This is a book of extreme originality which ranges so widely and offers such valuable insights that it forms an important contribution not only to the history of art and culture, but also to the history of ideas. ISBN: 9780520073012. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780520073012

Price: EUR 12.50 = appr. US$ 13.59 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 1967485

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