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MARIA BARBAL - Stone in a Landslide

Title: Stone in a Landslide
Description: Peirene, 2010. Paperback. Pp: 126. The beginning of the 20th century: 13-year-old Conxa has to leave her home village in the Pyrenees to work for her childless aunt. After years of hard work, she finds love with Jaume - a love that will be thwarted by the Spanish Civil War. Approaching her own death, Conxa looks back on a life in which she has lost everything except her own indomitable spirit. This story presents a fascinating timeless voice, down to earth and full of human contradictory nuances. Its' the expression of someone who searches for understanding in a changing world but senses that ultimately there may be no such thing. ISBN: 9780956284013. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780956284013

Price: EUR 7.00 = appr. US$ 7.61 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2023274

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