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 - Yani - Pictures

Title: Yani - Pictures
Description: BIS Publishers BV, 2002. Paperback. Pp: 160. Dutch photographer Yani takes photographs that are intimate and serene, produced with a minimum of ego. Spontaneity plays an integral role in Yani's photography and the collection in "Picture" defies convention as it evokes an unusual view of the world. By means of no color and black and white plates including protraits, cityscapes, snapshots and experimental work, Yani - Pictures invites us into the photographer's mind. Many photographers tend to focus on one theme or style, but for Yani the journey is the destination. ISBN: 9789063690151. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789063690151

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2072707

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