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A. MANETTE ANSAY - Midnight Champagne

Title: Midnight Champagne
Description: Orion, 2001. Paperback. Pp: 225. April and Caleb have known each other for just three months so their Valentineøs Day wedding (in a violent snowstorm) on the shores of Lake Michigan has both families - hers from Wisconsin, his from Tennessee ø in uproar. Everyone has an opinion about their union, based on their own experiences. Meanwhile at the nearby Hideaway Lodge a domestic quarrel ends in tragedy. As April and Calebøs life together begins, death parts another man and woman in furious violence and the two stories gradually intersect, exposing tangled roots of vulnerability, passion, desire and desperation. ISBN: 9780752838212. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780752838212

Price: EUR 6.50 = appr. US$ 7.06 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2094995

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