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 - Daniel Josefsohn

Title: Daniel Josefsohn
Description: Hatje Cantz. Paperback with flaps. Pp: 160. The first monograph on this provocative German photographer.nnIn his recent work Daniel Josefsohn (1961"“2016) has man­aged to maintain the precarious balancing act be­tween provocation and humor, between irony and political incitement with such skill that he is able to generate both a sense of discomfort and adoration among viewers. His photographs challenge our customary visual expectations and seem to effortlessly maneuver between art and commerce. After the leg­endary Miststück campaign that he created for the MTV music channel in the nineties, Josefsohn worked for numerous magazines and from 2010 on­ward his photographs defined the publicity campaigns of the Volksbühne in Berlin. nnAfter suffering a stroke in 2012, he worked with his partner Karin Müller to document the before and after in a photo column for the ZEITmagazin"which reflected the contrasts between levity and gravity, the debased and the beautiful. In addition to a selection of the best photographs of the column, this volume presents a cross-section of his entire work. ISBN: 9783775738811. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9783775738811

Price: EUR 9.95 = appr. US$ 10.81 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2095638