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 - Architecture.ehv 08-09. Annual eindhoven university of technology

Title: Architecture.ehv 08-09. Annual eindhoven university of technology
Description: nai010 uitgevers/publishers. Paperback. Pp: 208. architecture.ehv is a yearly publication in which the Department of Architecture, Building and Planning at Eindhoven University of Technology reports on the educational state of play there. It showcases the best graduation projects of the past year in architecture, building physics, building technology, structural design, design systems, urban design, construction engineering and technology, and real estate management. To these the yearbook adds articles by teachers and students that attest to the department's intellectual climate. Gijs Wallis de Vries addresses three aspects of the graduation projects in the perspective of the crisis, the unexpected and the possible, Jos Bosman looks back on mounting exhibitions at the department and architecture students publish a manifesto entitled 'Voluntary Prisoners'. ISBN: 9789064507168. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789064507168

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2107706

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