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BARRETT, MICHELE - The Politics of Truth. From Marx to Foucault

Title: The Politics of Truth. From Marx to Foucault
Description: Polity Press, 1991. Paperback. Pp: 194. The concept of ideology - traditionally one of Marxism's most persuasive ideas - has recently been subjected to devastating criticism. Michele Barrett shows that Marx's own writings offer a confusing array of possible approaches to 'ideology', which the classical Marxist tradition consolidated as 'mystification that serves class interests'. Barrett locates Gramsci and Althusser as key figures in the breakdown of the classical Marxist conception - Gramsci's work presaging the separation of class, politics and ideology found in Laclau and Mouffe, and Althusser's failing to deliver an adequate approach to subjectivity. Foucault - replacing Marxism's 'economics of untruth' with his own 'politics of truth' - is examined as an exemplar of post-structuralist critiques of ideology. ISBN: 9780745605036. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780745605036

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2281987

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