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JAKE ARNOTT - The Devil's Paintbrush

Title: The Devil's Paintbrush
Description: Sceptre, 2009. Hardcover. Pp: 298. Paris, 1903. Major-General Sir Hector Macdonald, one of the greatest heroes of the British Empire, is facing ruin in a shocking homosexual scandal when he meets the notorious occultist, Aleister Crowley. As they set out into the night on a wild journey through the sinful city, the story of Macdonald's tragedy begins to unfold - with startling revelations both for the General and the aspiring magician. In a tale that ranges from the battlefields of Sudan to the backstreets of Edinburgh, Jake Arnott brings alive a fascinating, forgotten figure of history, and a world trembling on the brink of a brutal new era. Black magic, Baden-Powell and Islamic revolution are just some of the ingredients in this bold and exhilarating novel, which explores imperialism, sexuality and the very nature of belief with an immediacy that resonates into the present. ISBN: 9780340922705. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780340922705

Price: EUR 9.00 = appr. US$ 9.78 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2284175

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