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 - Xavier Guardans

Title: Xavier Guardans " Self-Portraits
Description: Damiani. Cloth. Pp: 96. Surrounded and inspired by a group of powerful female artists, Barcelona photographer Xavier Guardans (born 1954) created Self-Portraits over a decade. His black-and-white images, accompanied by the subjects` voices, convey the confidence of women in the 21st century.nnRooted in the classicism of his European origins, Guardans returns to black-and-white photography in his third publication with a new perspective in portraiture, subverting the common understanding of self and the relationship between photographer and subject. This new book offers his interpretation of the interchangeable roles of masculine and feminine today. Guardans utilizes the voice of each artist to accompany the images. What results is a personal narrative of their experience with the artist in nature. The intriguing balance of his vision with the selection of abstract surfaces and textures makes this a timeless, poignant volume. ISBN: 9788862084840. Cond./Kwaliteit: Ramsj.

Keywords: 9788862084840

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2314841

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