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Description: Amsterdam University Press. Gekartonneerd. Â'Culture and conflict’ are the central themes in the long academic career of Louk Hagendoorn. His fascination for culture and his interest in group relations has resulted in many articles and books. He has written about cultural differences and Asian cultures and about relations and conflicts between groups in the Netherlands, (Eastern) Europe and the former Soviet Union. His comparative work is rich in context and content and has supported an emerging understanding that prejudice is not indiscriminate and totally irrational but that context and content matter. His research has been one of the major attempts to incorporate a contextual and experimental approach of interethnic relations from the laboratory of social psychologists into large-scale survey research in ethnically diverse and divided societies. This book reflects his interest in Â'culture and conflict’ and contains chapters written by leading international scholars from countries such as the Netherlands, Hungary, Russia and the United States. The different contributions address key questions of cultural differences and group conflicts that bear directly upon contemporary and hotly debated issues in multicultural societies. ISBN: 9789052602875. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789052602875

Price: EUR 15.00 = appr. US$ 16.30 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 2516318

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