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C.C. BAKELS - Analecta praehistorica leidensia

Title: Analecta praehistorica leidensia
Description: Modderman Stichting. Paperback. Pp: 175. Volume 20 contains eight articles based on research of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University. The first presents results of the excavation of a site at the base of the Weichselian loess in the Maastricht-Belvédère pit. An explanation for the presence/absence of Levallois core preparation is discussed in terms of Middle Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer mobility. The second is on spatial analysis of late Mesolithic and Neolithic surface scatters. The third discusses the socio-economic structure of flint knapping in the Dutch Bandkeramik. The fourth concerns exchange patterns and social status of the Bandkeramik adze. The fifth provides information on an important site with Early Neolithic 'Limburg' pottery sherds. The sixth is on large-scale settlement archaeology in Oss, 700 BC - AD 250. The seventh discusses rural sanctuaries from the Roman period in the Meuse-Demer-Scheldt area and the last a computer simulation of post-depositional decay of archaeological material.Contents:Wil Roebroeks, Jan Kolen & Dimitri de Loecker: An early Weichselian site at Maastricht-Belvédère (Site J)M. Wansleeben: Spatial analysis of late mesolithic and neolithic surface scatters, a test case of the Roerstreek (Middle Limburg)M.E.Th. de Grooth: The organisation of flint tooi manufacture in the Dutch BandkeramikC.C. Bakels: On the adzes of the northwestern LinearbandkeramikP.J.R. Modderman: Limburger aardewerk uit Sweikhuizen, gem. Schinnen, prov. Limburg 87 Summary: Limburg pottery from Sweikhuizen, Schinnen, prov. LimburgWijnand van der Sanden: The Ussen project: large scale settlement archaeology of the period 700 BC-AD 250, a preliminary reportJan Slofstra & Wijnand van der Sanden: Rurale cultusplaatsen uit de Romeinse tijd in het Maas-Demer-Scheldegebied (Rural sanctuaries from the Roman period in the Meuse-Demer-Scheldt area)Pieter van de Velde: Post-depositional decay: a simulation. ISBN: 9789004086371. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789004086371

Price: EUR 10.00 = appr. US$ 10.87 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 432056

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