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BARKER, PAT - Noonday

Title: Noonday
Description: Penguin UK. Paperback. Pp: 304. Paul Tarrant, Elinor Brooke and Kit Neville first met in 1914 at the Slade School of Art, before their generation lost hope, faith and much else besides on the battlefields of Ypres and the Somme. Now it is 1940, they are middle-aged, and another war has begun. London is a haunted city. Some have even turned to séances in an attempt to contact lost loved ones.As the bombs fall and Elinor and the others struggle to survive, old temptations and obsessions return, and all of them are forced to make choices about what they really want. ISBN: 9780241146071. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780241146071

Price: EUR 12.50 = appr. US$ 13.59 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 535086

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