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MIEKE BAL - Narratology. Introduction to the Theory of Narrative

Title: Narratology. Introduction to the Theory of Narrative
Description: 2009. Paperback. Pp: 264. Since its first publication in English in 1985, Mieke Bal's Narratology has become the international classic and comprehensive introduction to the theory of narrative texts. Narratology is a systematic account of narrative techniques, methods, their transmission, and reception, in which Bal distills years of study of the ways in which we understand both literary and non-literary works.In this third edition, Bal updates the book to include more analysis of film narratives while also sharpening and tightening her language to make it the most readable and student-friendly edition to date. Bal also introduces new sections that treat and clarify several modernist texts that pose narratological challenges. With changes prompted by ten years of feedback from scholars and teachers, Narratology remains the most important contribution to the study of the way narratives work, are formed, and are received. ISBN: 9780802096319. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9780802096319

Price: EUR 18.50 = appr. US$ 20.11 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 790641

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