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Title: Lucille Feremans, Watch Me
Description: Stichting Kunstboek, 2014. Linnen band met stofomslag. Pp: 144. Watch Me is an overview, spanning over four decades, of the career of internationally acclaimed photographer Lucille Feremans. It explores the artist's quintessential style of expression and compiles the best images as seen and exhibited all over the world. The book covers shots from successful exhibitions such as Velata, Talking Hats, Polaroid Works, Body Visions and Specials and at the same time includes many previously unseen images, taken during Lucille's work in the studio or during master classes abroad. Feremans tries to capture the strenght and beauty - to be taken in the broadest sense of the word - of the human body and whether shooting in black and white or full color, always manages to add a hint of mystery and seductive moodiness to these intriguing images. Essays from Takyua Tsukahara, Barbara Hitchcock, Alfons Boesmans, Luk van Driessche, Andreas Barylli-Fayer and Eddy Stockmans shine a special light on the captivating art of Lucille Feremans and its perception. ISBN: 9789058564962. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9789058564962

Price: EUR 30.00 = appr. US$ 32.61 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 829850

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