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 - Luc Tuymans - Ende -

Title: Luc Tuymans - Ende -
Description: Salon Verlag. Hardcover. Pp: 128. Luc Tuymans was an essential figure in the painting revival of the 1990s. nnThis volume is the first to document one of Tuymans' wall paintings, completed for an exhibition at Kabinett für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremerhaven, Germany, which he documented with Polaroids throughout the entire process. The richly illustrated volume includes an interview between Tuymans and Udo Kittelmann, Director of the National Gallery Berlin. ISBN: 9783897703032. Cond./Kwaliteit: Goed.

Keywords: 9783897703032

Price: EUR 24.00 = appr. US$ 26.08 Seller: De Slegte
- Book number: 92734

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